Sponsoring a Family
Imagine radically changing the life of a family just like your own this holiday season.
For three years, our staff in DRC has taken up an effort that Reeds of Hope believes is an essential, indispensable part of helping orphans. It is central to our mission, though the challenges are immense. This effort is family reunification and reintegration. We have 25 children who were in institutional care but are now in families in Eastern DRC made up of extended family members or willing foster families, and our staff has worked diligently with each of them. But these families still struggle to feed their families daily and purchase every day necessities.
We are endeavoring to help each of these families to become food secure, independent, healthy units that have the means to tackle their daily challenges, just like your family, and just like mine.
We have partnered with Alternativ business training previously, as many of our supporters know, and our staff has been trained to become facilitators of this holistic business training. You can read more about Alternativ here: www.alternativproject.org) This week, our manager and social worker will begin their first training in the East of 26 family members and students. Once they complete this intensive training, they will have a year long mentorship. Most of these families have a skill they can turn into a business already, and others have interests and desire to learn. However, they need start up capital. You can change the daily reality of one of these families by giving a one-time donation of $150 that will provide a business start up grant, and one-on-one training and support to launch their own business. Please visit http://reedsofhope.org/store/build-a-family to sponsor a family today. You can also make a donation of a different amount by clicking http://reedsofhope.org/give.
The holidays mean family time for most of us. I look up from my couch right now and I see my kids’ toys, their plates from breakfast with half eaten pancakes and half drank glasses of milk, and the Christmas tree where we will gather around and open gifts together. This Christmas I also want to imagine the families we serve in Eastern DRC, receiving the footing and support they need to thrive as family just like mine does, and in turn, impact their communities and generations to come.