Let's break it down.....
We are absolutely BLOWN AWAY by the generosity of family, friends, and strangers! Thank you! We love having you on our team! We wanted to break down the costs of the training so you know specifically what your money is going towards. Our team is made up of volunteers who are paying their own way to the Congo. Each one has purchased their own plane ticket, visa expense, and Letter of Intent requirement to even enter the country. We are grateful for our team and their personal investment. We wanted you to know this so that you know your money is going directly to the grounds of Congo! There is still time and room for you to join! Maybe you will see an expense down below and feel led to sponsor the whole amount, maybe your small group or book club would love to take it on! Let us know! Remember, we are bringing back hand made items from the One Thread women for donors of $100 or more!
Here is the breakdown of expenses:
Our training is Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm. We are slotted to have 45 people in attendance. One of the obvious barriers is language. Because of this we need interpreters. Each attendee will have a table group with a table leader (one of us) and that leader will need an interpreter. Once they listen to a lesson from the front they will "live it out" in small groups. So when they learn the lesson on budgeting, they will then fill out their own budget sheet in small groups for practice. The cost for 6 interpreters for the week is $1500
Most attending will be coming from a distance. We want to make things as simple as possible and with such long learning days we would love to provide lunch each day for those coming. The lunch will be prepared by some of our One Thread women who make the meals at the training center each day! The cost of lunch for the week is $1200
At the end of the Business training there is a graduation ceremony! All attendees will receive a Business Essentials Certificate that shows they completed the course. All attendees must come each day for the full day to receive this certificate. At the end of the week we want to celebrate them and their hard work. We want to launch them into this new space of dreaming a better life for their family. The cost for the graduation ceremony (printing of certificates and cake) is $200
Alternativ has become such a valued partner to Reeds of Hope. We are so grateful for them and all the work they are doing. We will have the training books for leaders in both Lingala and English. Then each attendee will receive a workbook that is also in both English and Lingala. This workbook will be what they use in their table groups all week. Taking notes, filling out worksheets, writing down a business plan and of course, their dreams. Each of these items need to be printed and spiral bound. This really is one of the most essential parts of the training! The cost for printing these items is $1,000
We have gotten asked a lot regarding our safety. We are so thankful for that question and we do appreciate all of your prayers. We do feel safe but we also know that you should always be smart. Because of this, we want to make sure that our team has trustworthy drivers to take us to and from the training each day. We want to make this reservation in advance so we know we will be well cared for and to our training on time. There will be six of us needing transportation each morning and night. The cost of transportation for the week is $750
We also want you to know that there is a fee for each attendee to come to this training. We believe highly in this. We know and have seen how this training could literally change their life forever. But we also believe highly in personal responsibility and having stake in the game. When you are handed something for free you do not care for it as you would for something that required your hard work. We want you to know that this training is a not hand out. This whole trip would be for nothing if that were so!
We are so grateful and trust the Lord fully for His provision. Please know if you ever have questions please contact us! Thank you for your commitment to One Thread and the women who it embodies.