Family Bethlehem

We are so excited to start a new project in eastern DRC.  Mama Sifa and Papa Jerome, a Congolese couple, created Family Bethlehem to help support the growing number of children they were raising.  Over the past 20 years, they have been taking in vulnerable children who needed a family.  Many they formally adopted and called their own.  As years of insecurity increased the numbers of children needing a family also increased and now they find themselves with many more children than they can care for on their own.  They have had success finding adoptive families in their own Catholic community in Congo as well as finding long term loving foster homes.  Some children they have been able to reunite with their parents with support.  Right now they have 140 children in their care and they need our help.  We foresee coming alongside them in many projects including:  school fees, older children training, university fees, sustainability projects, family reunification, and local alternative care option (foster and domestic adoption).  We are so excited about this work.

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